New York City New Deal...

Highbridge Parks, Pool, and Play Center

Frank da Cruz, Bronx NY, 4 October 2019
All photos by me except where otherwise indicated.
Most recent update: Sun Oct 6 07:21:53 2019

The High Bridge
The High Bridge
High Bridge walkway plaque
High Bridge walkway plaque
The High Bridge, constructed 1839-1848, is New York City's oldest existing bridge and so, naturally, is not a New Deal project in itself. But it connects two different Highbridge Parks: the tiny one in the Highbridge section of the Bronx and the huge one in Manhattan's Washington Heights neighborhood. The Bronx end was part of the Croton Reservoir complex from 1837 until 1937 when it was converted into a park with WPA funding and labor. The park at the Manhattan end was assembled in stages between 1867 and the 1960s. The Highbridge Pool and Play Center were built there by the WPA during the "swimming pool summer" of 1936, as well as seven playgrounds and a great deal of infrastructure before the New Deal ended.
Sections:   Bronx   Manhattan   Pool and Play Center

  (Click on any photo to enter)

Highbridge Park in the Bronx

bronx hb6 hb5 0684 0681 0689 0686 0687 0697 0698 0699 highbridge2

Highbridge Park in Manhattan

manhattan hb1 hb4 0708 hb10 0769 0775 hb8 hb7 hb9 0725 0764 0767 0730 0768 0770 0774 0776 0783 0759

Highbridge Pool and Play Center in Manhattan

pool hb2 0749 0745 0724 0722 hbpool2005 highbridgepool02 hbpool2002 hb3 hbicerink 0737 hblobby hbexroom hbgym hbdance 0732 0734 0735 0743 0744 0746 0751 0756 0758 0780 0777 0778

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