Columbia MM
MM Manual



At the MM> prompt, you can type a message sequence after many commands to describe what messages the command should act on.

For example, when you type headers all, you are using the message sequence all to specify that you want to see headers for all messages. For any command that takes a message sequence, typing a space and a question mark after the command will show you a list of message sequences:

MM>headers ?message number
  or range of message numbers, n:m
  or range of message numbers, n-m
  or range of message numbers, n+m (m messages beginning with n)
  or "." to specify the current message
  or "*" to specify the last message
  or message sequence, one of the following:
 after               all                 answered            before
 current             deleted             flagged             from
 inverse             keyword             last                longer
 new                 on                  previous-sequence   recent
 seen                shorter             since               subject
 text                to                  unanswered          undeleted
 unflagged           unkeyword           unseen
 or "," and another message sequence

Examples, with the headers command:

MM>headers 6

MM>headers 2:5

MM>headers *


MM>headers all

MM>headers on Aug 4 1992

MM>headers since tues

MM>headers flagged

MM>headers from robert

MM>headers to jb51

MM>headers subject comput

MM>headers text "New York"

MM>h p

You can combine message sequences to narrow down what messages you want. In the following, headers is again used as an example:

MM>headers answered after mon

MM>headers subj MM from mel

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