Type read or just r to read new mail. The screen clears and the first unseen message is shown.
Message 73 (378 chars) Return-Path: <jb51> Received: by cunixf.cc.columbia.edu (5.59/FCB) id AA01344; Monday, 7 Sep 92 10:50:29 EDT Date: Monday, 7 Sep 92 10:50:28 EDT From: Joe Brennan <jb51@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu> To: fb2 Cc: mm33, hk12 Subject: Meeting on Sept 21 Message-Id: <CMM.> Let's meet on Sept 21 at 2:00 to go over plans for this semester. Joe R>
At R>, if you don't want to keep the message, type delete or just d to delete it. The message will be kept in your mbox unless you delete it.
R>delete R>
At R>, press return to continue. If there is another unseen message, the screen will clear again and it will be displayed like the first one. If there are no more unseen messages, you will go back to the MM> prompt:
R>[return] MM>